Letters from the Algarve

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Letter from the Algarve: May '09

There has been aproar here about a new law demanding we fill in yet more forms in this country besotted with forms. This time they want us to register our water supplies and sewage units.

So for twenty years I and all the other UK and German tax payers have been sending funds via the EU regeneration schemes to Portugal so the government can do all those things they failed to do for the previous hundred years. And when I get here and apply for planning consent to build a house I have to wait five months for that consent while it supposedly goes through all kinds of bureaucratic nonsense, including ten sets of plans for various government bodies, one being the local water board, together with a special form that went to some other bunch of pen pushers in Faro, who spent three months deciding that my perfectly legal septic tank plans should be changed so they no longer complied with the rules.

I also pay rates on the property, and was forced to donate land to the camara so that mains water pipes could be laid. The pipes were laid three or four years ago but I still have no water. I dont know who absconded with the tax payers' funds that were set aside for the delivery of that water, but the fact of the matter is, I have paid for that water twice, and yet I still have to pay to have water delivered.

I could take this matter up with the European Commission but I have a life to lead. But now apparently I must fill in another form (on top of the ten I originally filled in -- oh, sorry, eleven, I forgot that extra one for Faro) to tell the water board I have a septic tank, or I get fined €25,000.

Three simple questions. Why do I have to fill in a form about my water supply when I have paid for it several times but dont actually have it?

Why do I have to fill in a form about my septic tank when I have already sent off eleven forms with those details clearly marked?

And how many times could I drive while drunk, and how many people could I injure when I plough into a queue at a bus stop before my fines would reach €25,000? It would be interesting to know how many lives equal a government form.

We have just celebrated some sort of revolution. Sitting here, I am wondering, if that revolution was really successful, why it is that I am living in a country where the government steals from its people, reneges on promises, and bullies us in such an outrageous manner?

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